Sadly you pay your money you make a choice
Darrel has given good sound scientific based advice.
My system works for me
I just use HMA and RO mixed with almond leaf to make the water acidic.
I add not one item of jollop just natural items and it works for me
A lot of advice is based on the cheap way a lot is based on cutting out some thing.
I believe you can’t reduce any thing by adding anything.
In your position I would drop all the jollop get RO and HMA and use almond leaf to make the water acidic.
What you’re looking for is water that is as near to nature as you can get it.
Jollop aren’t going to do that. Striping the water will allow you to add natural items ie alder cones and Almond leaf to get natural water to a point.
The substrate should buffer the water
So in short
Kh 4 to 6
TDS under 200 is what i aim for
The Ph will sort it self out as will all the other things.
Darrel has given good sound scientific based advice.
My system works for me
I just use HMA and RO mixed with almond leaf to make the water acidic.
I add not one item of jollop just natural items and it works for me
A lot of advice is based on the cheap way a lot is based on cutting out some thing.
I believe you can’t reduce any thing by adding anything.
In your position I would drop all the jollop get RO and HMA and use almond leaf to make the water acidic.
What you’re looking for is water that is as near to nature as you can get it.
Jollop aren’t going to do that. Striping the water will allow you to add natural items ie alder cones and Almond leaf to get natural water to a point.
The substrate should buffer the water
So in short
Kh 4 to 6
TDS under 200 is what i aim for
The Ph will sort it self out as will all the other things.