Name: Parotocinclus spilosoma
Common Names: Gold Spot Dwarf Pleco
Location: Campina Grande, Parahyba, Brazil.

Appearance: Parotocinclus are easy to distinguish from Otocinclus due to having an adipose fin. Parotocinclus spilosoma have the ability to change their appearance in order to blend in with the surroundings especially darkening.
Compatibility: Very peaceful and like other Parotocinclus, need to be in a group. Due to their small size and peaceful temperament they don't really suit being in a busy tank. They most likely dive into the substrate when alarmed, so sand would be a good choice.
Sexing and Breeding: Cold waters changes to drop the temp by 5c should trigger spawning and plenty of quality foods.
Diet: Mostly vegetarian, will eat most veggies such as courgette, deshelled peas, spinach, capsicum and spirulina wafer/tabs.
Water parameters: Temp 22-28c PH 5.8-7.5
Max Size: 5cms
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Common Names: Gold Spot Dwarf Pleco
Location: Campina Grande, Parahyba, Brazil.

Appearance: Parotocinclus are easy to distinguish from Otocinclus due to having an adipose fin. Parotocinclus spilosoma have the ability to change their appearance in order to blend in with the surroundings especially darkening.
Compatibility: Very peaceful and like other Parotocinclus, need to be in a group. Due to their small size and peaceful temperament they don't really suit being in a busy tank. They most likely dive into the substrate when alarmed, so sand would be a good choice.
Sexing and Breeding: Cold waters changes to drop the temp by 5c should trigger spawning and plenty of quality foods.
Diet: Mostly vegetarian, will eat most veggies such as courgette, deshelled peas, spinach, capsicum and spirulina wafer/tabs.
Water parameters: Temp 22-28c PH 5.8-7.5
Max Size: 5cms
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