and here is my post from the staff lounge:
#1 Today, 11:21
Site Owner/Admin
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Devon, UK
Fishkeeping Experience: Intermediate
Breeding Experience: Beginner
Posts: 2,392
Gallery: 39
Raffle entries
below are the raffle entries and their ticket numbers, i want all the staff to be able to see what the numbers are, i'm going to ask thegeeman to draw a number at lunchtime, he won't know who has what number.
1. Joby
2. Akraziatic
3. Jerry58
4. Jerry58
5. Jerry58
6. Jerry58
7. Ancistrus
8. Oscar
9. Dylanlovesplecos
10. Grubbygirl
11. Grubbygirl
12. Grubbygirl
13. johnv
14. timkel
15. dillon
16. FFMkII
17. wyfish
18. wyfish
19. Johnny70
20. Scroggybank
21. Andrew