Hi there, I am new here so I hope I do this correctly:
I have a 25 gallon tank with an aqueon hang on the back filter.
There are 1 bn pleco, 1 cory cat, 4 tiger barb, 2 rosy barb and a zebra danio.
Inside my filter and behind the filter cartridge there accumulates a ton of slimy stuff.
It gunks up the cartridge about every 5 days.
It is also growing in the front where the water goes back into the tank.
I believe this is also where the grid holds the "beneficial bacteria"(?).
The water is crystal clear. Everybody in the tank looks happy.
So, is this gunk the "b.b"?
Should I encourage the growth of it?
Should I leave it alone?
Should I clean this gunk out, only leaving some in the grid?
Should I forget about it and get on with my life? :dk:
Thx for any help.
I have a 25 gallon tank with an aqueon hang on the back filter.
There are 1 bn pleco, 1 cory cat, 4 tiger barb, 2 rosy barb and a zebra danio.
Inside my filter and behind the filter cartridge there accumulates a ton of slimy stuff.
It gunks up the cartridge about every 5 days.
It is also growing in the front where the water goes back into the tank.
I believe this is also where the grid holds the "beneficial bacteria"(?).
The water is crystal clear. Everybody in the tank looks happy.
So, is this gunk the "b.b"?
Should I encourage the growth of it?
Should I leave it alone?
Should I clean this gunk out, only leaving some in the grid?
Should I forget about it and get on with my life? :dk:
Thx for any help.