Ian this is perfectly normal and means you have a reject ratio of 3.3:1.
You can reduce the overall reject ratio by adding more membranes. Upto 3 per system can be installed in series (i.e. the reject of the first is fed into the second and so on) and if you do have all 3 membranes installed then the reject to product ratio can fall to a ratio as low as 1:1. Some units run with higher reject ratio's than 3:1 and this depends largely on the quality of the source water.
The copious amounts of reject water wasted is the biggest disadvantage of RO filtration, especially for those on water meters. Waters unit charge is per square meter, which is 1000 litres, and is currently around £2 per unit. Therefore in your system you'll get about 230 litres of pure RO water per 1000 litres that your billed for if on a meter. Most LFS charge £2-3 to fill a 25litre barrel. So it is still cost effective to run your own unit.
Your unit shouldn't be leaking at all though and I'd advice finding the source of the leak and rectifying a.s.a.p. Sometimes if the push fit connectors aren't pushed fully home it can do this and at others a bit of PTFE tape applied to the threads of a screw in connector can sort it.
Its also check worth checking that the pipe entering a leaking push fit connector is cut at 90 degrees as it can cause problems sometimes if its not.