Hi Ian,
I've grown all the plants that you mentioned with the exception of Anubias Nana which I believe is a very slow grower which is prone to green spot algae outbreaks.
I know what you mean about the willisi which is a hybrid anyhow between crypt parva and another crypt which escapes my memory for now.
Is the crypt Wendeti the green variety? Do you have anything special in the way of a substrate? using plant tabs? as the crypts and the tiger lotus are normally referred to as root feeders even though they can assimilate there food from the water column at a push its not ideal. The giant vallis is a lovely plant and a terrific grower especially once it reaches the surface and can assimilate its co2 supply from the atmosphere. Have a look at Christmas

lol: pun intended) moss that's one of my favorites. Remember that the crypts are likely to die off initially so are best planted with just a few leafs attached it'll help keep the waste produced by the decaying plant matter down. Don't disturb them and they should come back strongly, but that can take months. Its called crypt melt and is very common, they don't like change, its that simple and can even happen if you move the plant from one place to another in the same tank. Because your getting them from Darrel there probably already the submerged version of the plant but if you got them from a LFS then they would be grown emersed and even more prone to 'melt'.
Have a look at sagataria subulata or dwarf sagataria probably your best bet without injecting co2. The subulata needs good iron levels to do well though but then so will the tiger lotus your already planning to plant.
Sounds like you'll have quite a lot of plants in there and this may cause issues with there not being sufficient co2 to sustain them. I know this isn't what you want to hear but when your asking why you have a tankful of algae and dead plants remember where you heard it first. What filters are you using and whats your tank turnover like?
I wouldn't worry about mixing the RO water until you've reached the parameters that your aiming for there's no point.