Amazing tanks everyone :clap:, here's mine both Rio 400's
They are heavily planted with java fern I do like the bare bogwood look as well but was never happy with the backgrounds that I was able to find
Tank 1 has 2 Eheim Eccos and 1 hagen external. 2 Fluval 4 plus internals and the Juwel internal
I went from lots of smaller tanks to 2 big tanks and kept the filters. It does mean that I can stagger the cleaning
Tank 2 has 1 Tetratec 1200 external one Fluval 4 plus internal and the Juwel internal
Both have plecos Tank 1 has 2 meduim Royals and a Gibby, Tank 2 has 1 small Royal , 1 vampire, 1 leopard and 1 L147
tank 1
tank 2