Are Assassin snails allowed in Aus??
Brengun Global Moderators Staff member Apr 22, 2009 5,041 4 38 62 Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia Sep 20, 2012 #42 No they are not allowed but that doesn't mean they aren't here already.
H Harpfish New Member Sep 10, 2012 3 0 1 Sydney Sep 29, 2012 #43 Thanks for the advice, a neighbour gave me a really big Pakistani (Yo Yo ) Loach and I think he must have taught my clowns a thing or two about snails, I can't find a single snail now!!!
Thanks for the advice, a neighbour gave me a really big Pakistani (Yo Yo ) Loach and I think he must have taught my clowns a thing or two about snails, I can't find a single snail now!!!
M mekkalicious Member Jun 1, 2012 24 0 1 milan - italy Sep 30, 2012 #44 the helena are snail hunter every al little animal, and in particolar to other snail, in the night are very active, and strike the animal when sleep.
the helena are snail hunter every al little animal, and in particolar to other snail, in the night are very active, and strike the animal when sleep.
bigbird Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND Sep 9, 2010 6,306 1 36 Sydney, AUSTRALIA Sep 30, 2012 #45 You are correct the loach are great snails hunters, but be wary they also eat eggs and other items. watch them. cheers jk :thumbup:
You are correct the loach are great snails hunters, but be wary they also eat eggs and other items. watch them. cheers jk :thumbup:
H Harpfish New Member Sep 10, 2012 3 0 1 Sydney Sep 30, 2012 #46 Actually after dark I noticed they are all coming out again. Boo hiss. Looks like the clowns have some more work to do.
Actually after dark I noticed they are all coming out again. Boo hiss. Looks like the clowns have some more work to do.