My mini Fishroom Finally up and running


Jul 28, 2011
Sydney, Australia
Just rang around, Apparently silica sand isnt good for Ls cause its made out of glass which to me would cut them. Is it ok to use river sand from bunnings? or is it something with this silica sand that makes it good to get? River sand from bunnings much cheaper as well.

Although Called bunnings, They have washed sydney sand 20kg for $6. Is this ok to use? If it is I will grab some after work this arvo...
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Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
I do not understand your way of thought. You ask questions and then come up with a totally different answer. Silica sand cuts Ls because it is made from glass ? You have an internet. Do you ever google, try silica sand for aquariums and you get voila or or
In all honesty the peopl you are getting advice from I would take with a grain of sand....good one :lol: made me laugh. cheers jk :thumbup:


Jul 28, 2011
Sydney, Australia
Look no need for that. Sorry if I have pissed you off. I'm only after help and don't want to be humiliated. Sorry.

I have just red a few of the links and I'm still a bit lost. My general fish keeping skills are high but I'm not all used to these things. Sands, and so on. I really just want help
from this great community without people getting angry at me. Again
bigbird I'm sorry. Can you please explain the benefits of silica for 134s over plain river sand? Would be appreciated.

Thanks for your great help so far to everyone. Thank
you. I'm only starting to get back into fish after a 1.5 year stop. Just need to re jog my memory.
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Apr 26, 2009
Look no need for that. Sorry if I have pissed you off. I'm only after help and don't want to be humiliated. Sorry.

I have just red a few of the links and I'm still a bit lost. My general fish keeping skills are high but I'm not all used to these things. Sands, and so on. I really just want help
from this great community without people getting angry at me. Again
bigbird I'm sorry. Can you please explain the benefits of silica for 134s over plain river sand? Would be appreciated.

Thanks for your great help so far to everyone. Thank
you. I'm only starting to get back into fish after a 1.5 year stop. Just need to re jog my memory.
I can't see any benefit unless I'm missing something.

I have used sand meant for playgrounds when in England and sand from the desert by my house now I live in Dubai


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
silica sand is inert, so does not change the water chemistry or value. River sand depends where it comes from might change the water quality depending of what the grains are made of. Silica sand is very fine and small grained like i said 1-2cm max in the tank. River sand varies in size. Some people use black sand some white some none at all. If you use none make sure you scrub the bottom regularly. I just find that all my Ls love the silica sand and frolic in it and feel great in my view. It is all for each individual trial and error. Any sand is fine, but make sure it is clean and ph neutral. Again the only benefit silica sand has is it is inert. You have the internet, you have so much reading material available. Sometime it takes 5-7years for L134 to breed sometime just 6months. Breeding Ls is not that easy of just a tank and a pair. Research and trial and error and a lot of patience. Let your water settle down first. cheers jk :thumbup:


Jul 28, 2011
Sydney, Australia
Thanks for that. I will grab myself some silica sand. Just so I'm clea is this normal pool sand? From what I understand silica sand is
know as pool filter Sand as well

I just had a look and found an unopened bag of Sydney river sand
in my shed. I will get silica sand although it is $25 for 20kg. I don't want to **** anyone off but will using river sand still be better than no sand rather than going and spending $25 on dilica when I have this unused bag. I will get some if it's worth it but just seeing as I already have Sydney river sand. Will this be ok? Or I should really go for the silica?

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Apr 21, 2009
Thanks for that. I will grab myself some silica sand. Just so I'm clea is this normal pool sand? From what I understand silica sand is
know as pool filter Sand as well

I just had a look and found an unopened bag of Sydney river sand
in my shed. I will get silica sand although it is $25 for 20kg. I don't want to **** anyone off but will using river sand still be better than no sand rather than going and spending $25 on dilica when I have this unused bag. I will get some if it's worth it but just seeing as I already have Sydney river sand. Will this be ok? Or I should really go for the silica?

Okay, this post is an example of why people are getting a bit frustrated.

Bigbird wrote in his previous thread about the difference between silica & river sand. Mainly that silica sand is chemically inert. The difficult part is determining exactly what the river sand will do to your water, which you'll only be able to tell by testing it. With the previous questions you've had about pH adjustments, it seems backwards to add something additional to your water that could change your pH, at least without knowing what it'll do.

There is nothing magical about sand. Many people like it better than using gravel as a substrate, but it is still just a substrate. You don't need sand or any substrate for that matter. Its a personal choice wether or not you like the look of it. Probably just as many people use no substrate at all as its easier for them to keep thier tanks clean. You just gotta be aware of the dangers/benefits of either choice.


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
silica sand is also know as pool sand.
Sydney river sand you have to be wary of where it comes from and what it contains.
The choice is yours. I have told you my choice already a lot. cheers jk :thumbup:
Dec 5, 2010
Just finished reading this thread as I am also going to be setting up a new tier system and I am stoked I found this site. Some great helpful info guys and explained perfectly simple so newbies like myself can understand it!! Awesome guys!!


Pleco Profiles Moderator - RIP FRIEND
Sep 9, 2010
my tip for you. as you are aware, these Ls are expensive in Australia.
You might get a spike in water values if you just add them from one day to the next. I would suggest you get 5 tetras or dithers and introduce these first before you just add the L134s. Also when you get the L134s, make sure you drip them over a period of 30min. cheers jk :thumbup:


Jul 28, 2011
Sydney, Australia
Ok, I will go tomorrow and get some Tetras, What other fish can I get? just so I have a selection of fish to choose from..... Fish like tiger barbs?

Yea I will get an airline hose and let it slowly drip into the bag with the 134s. And I'm guessing I should take these tester fish out when I get the 134s? or they ok to be in there? if it won't affect their breeding....
