Assassin Snails - Just a little advise don't keep them with shrimps another shrimp breeder and I have both witnessed these evil little critters attacking shrimps whilst they are eating.
A cunning strategy.At feed time they all pile on the food the snails just start eating the food next to them then just kinda get closer and closer then latch on to their backs
Not funny! *sw*Wicked:clap: So not only do Assassins wipeout MTS they nail shrimp aswell:clap:.
I don't believe it - why didn't I see this before I went and threw a couple of assassins in with my baby cherry shrimp last week??? :wb:
Mind you at least I now know what happened!! I bought the shrimp a couple of weeks ago (cost me way over the odds from my lfs) and they were doing fine until I threw in 2 assassins to kill off the snails....within 2 days they were all dead!! Damn those assassins!! :cry:
just the ones i gave you or have they bred?i have loads of assassins
they are breeding nicely mushjust the ones i gave you or have they bred?